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Work in Action
Shellfish, Seagrass, & the Future
Clams, oysters, scallops, musselsÂ
Our Drone Technology was Originally Created as a Low Cost Solution to Enhance Clam Restoration in the Indian River Lagoon, FL. Our drones have the capability to deploy 1,000,000, 2mm clams over an acre in roughly 10-12 minutes!
Subaquatic Plants
Applying our technology to subaquatic vegetation is currently in development.
The Future
We are open to and are currently exploring other applications for our technology. Please reach out here if you have any additional ideas on how our drones could be used to accelerate environmental restoration.
Current Projects
Whitney Labs Project
Clams Seeded
We kicked off Blue Ocean Quest in September 2022 with Whitney Labs at the University of Florida.
Through this project, it was determined that planting clams in high densities via drone is a more cost effective and less invasive practice than current methods.
These finding led us to expand so that our drones can be used as tools to accelerate coastal restoration.

Billion Clam Project
Clams Seeded to Date
This is a community wide project whose goal is to plant one billion clams in the Indian River Lagoon by 2030 to increase water quality and biodiversity
This project Kicked off Oct 2023 with a $50,000 donation from Florida's CCA, a $50,000 donation from Duke Energy, and a large pooled donation from a banquet.
We are exploring alternative funding by creating Aquatic Bio-Credits available through Clean Tides.
St Johns River Water Management District Project
Clams Seeded to Date
This deployments goal is to test and monitor results of using drone technology at field scale in order to reduce the costs of clam restoration, increase the spatial distribution of clams, and increase the overall population at a faster rate than is currently possible.

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